Hello world!

After a test flight in aviation, I am getting back to my roots!  It was a great experience learning the challenges small business owners face.  Balancing the demands of managing financials, employees, vendors, and regulatory issues is no small task. Add to that industry dynamics and local politics, the small business owner needs all the help they can get.

Sometimes, even when all the plans, educated decisions, and financial resources are in place, the odds seem stacked against us.  It’s all we can do to keep an eye on the horizon and keep moving forward.  With all the obstacles, the way forward isn’t always what we intended but it gets us closer to the end goal… financial progress and renewed opportunity.  I’ll take it!

So now I’ve decided to start a blog to talk about my experiences in business planning, financial management, business etiquette, and other topics.  I thank you for joining me in this new venture, may you find tidbits of wisdom to help you in your journey.

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